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The University of Oregon Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering is committed to increasing the participation of underrepresented groups in academia, industry, and government. UOADSE supports, organizes, and oversees science outreach activities for students and scientists of all ages and backgrounds in Lane County and throughout the state of Oregon.

We are working to inspire the next generation of scientists by holding workshops, organizing outreach activities and inviting speakers from diverse backgrounds. Our goal is to create an equitable, and inclusive research workforce by drawing from students and researchers from community college through graduate school. We believe that innovative solutions to the world’s most complex problems emerge when scientists and engineers from all backgrounds are represented and respected. By implementing evidence-based outreach and mentorship, we will work until  the representation of researchers, instructors, and professionals groups in academia, industry, and government matches that of the general public, thereby enabling the highest level of achievement for the STEM community.

Please consider supporting our efforts. Donations allow us to organize workshops that teach students skills to adjust to college life and navigate a career in the sciences, organize outreach activities to tell students of various ages about the findings of scientific research, and invite scientists to share their experiences and career paths.

Please contact if you would like to discuss how your gift can make a difference

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